
My name’s Tyler👋

I’m currently on the job market, looking for a remote position in the realm of data/analytics engineering or data science.

Most recently, I worked as a data scientist, product manager, and engineer at Cerebral. In these positions, I both managed and implemented Cerebral’s data products arm, which included projects such as an embedded Clinicial Decision Support tool to provide clinical guidence to clinicians as well as an NLP model trained to detect mental crisis messages from patients coming in via the support chat (which led to average response times of less than 10 minutes rather than over 12 hours for the normal support messages). Additionally, I created and led the data quality initiatives for the team, including a twice-quarterly day-long hackathon to address gaps in infrastructure and best practices across the data ecosystem.

Before that, I worked as a data scientist and software developer at Epic Systems, focusing on predictive models for clinical and operational usage in Epic’s EMR as well as epidemiological and utilization research into COVID-19 patient populations to inform health system behavior.

I did my Ph.D. at Princeton’s Lewis Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics in Mike Levine’s lab, working on developmental biology questions largely using microscopy and transcriptomic data.

While my previous background resolves largely around healthcare and microscopy data, I am always interested in gaining expertise in new domains. I have a passion for data quality, reproducible research, scientific communication, and novelly applying machine learning tools to real-world problems.